Thursday, 24 April 2008


Continuation from Previous post of Exhibition Building:

Exhibition Building, Stanton Iron Works

I have just come back from a visit to the Exhibition Centre, which used to be used as a cinema along time ago. I was inspired to go to this location by a photographer 

who's name is Andy Wallis.
The area was really interesting as there was a lot of broken windows, shattered walls and rusty metalwork!! The Exhibition Building was part of the former Stanton Iron Works which is now closed and all the workers moved on. I managed to get inside the building as I met the owner who let me inside and talked me through the site and which room was which. This was a very rare opportunity and very lucky as if I had turned up 1 minute earlier or 1 minute later he wouldn't have been there and I wouldn't have had the chance to see inside the building!

Dereliction At It's Highest

I am a student studying a Foundation Art and Design Course in Photography and for my final Project i have chosen to look at the theme Dereliction and Social/Political Issues that surround us in our present world. Here are some of the photographs that i have produced for part of my project that i feel show the theme Dereliction very well. I have had to put copyright over the photographs because there are people out there who use images/videos without permission. If you are interested in purchasing prints please contact me and i will be able to chat and discuss prices etc. The prints you receive will be without the copyright information.