Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Album For Sale

I am now selling a portfolio book of my photographs that are the best to represent the style of photography i am into. If you want to purchase this please feel free and dont hesitate to contact me. 
For a 7x7 inch book it will cost £35.00
For a 8x10 inch book it will cost £42.99
For a 10x8 inch Book it will cost £42.99
For a 13x11 inch Book it will cost £----- Yet to be decided

Pricing may change and delivery charges may be added onto this

Monday, 14 July 2008

Ford KA 2, T Reg, Metallic Green, 43,000 Miles

I have just bought myself my first ever car :-). Its arriving on Wednesday but i won't be able to drive it until I have passed my Driving Practical Test *cries* !!!
I will be watching it until August making sure nothing happens to it and keeping it nice and clean. My parents say that they wonder how long that will last !!! I was quite surprised to see how good the car was for a T Reg by this i mean it was extremely well looked after hardly any dints except for a tiny indentation on the door but apart from that i was extremely impressed !! Anyway enough of me talking heres the beauty and baby itself !!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 11 July 2008

HDR Tryouts

I have recently shown a huge interest in HDR and Tone Mapping. I have been into Nottingham City Centre and took a really interesting photo that originally looked like an artists impression of architecture or something!! I have been looking into online tutorials to help me understand HDR. The following photos are two photos i have HDR Rendered with a single photo not a multiple of 3 photos to generate a HDR which seems strange i know but the web tutorial uses single photos and explains how to HDR them!!

Please leave feedback on what you think of these and any useful tips, guidelines, advice would be appreciated! These images plus more can be found on my flickr site which is

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Old Yard

I came here again on my own to take some exterior photographs. But then saw a gap in the fence where i could fit through. I didn't however want to go in on my own as i knew that this was another site in which it is used for drug exchanges etc. I decided i would phone my mate up from college who kindly popped down and came inside with me.
I was amazed by the sheer size of the warehouse and was pleased that
one of my photos showed alot of the inside. The photo was taken on wide angle 28 mm but looks as though it was taken using a fisheye lens !!!
Again i wouldn't suggest going to these sites on your own always take someone with you and if you feel unsafe go straight away and don't think that you are forced to go inside even if it looks really interesting!

Photographs From A Beautifully Built Derelict Warehouse

Here i have shown some photographs from a site in which i found extremely interesting. The site itself is set back from the main road so finding it was a tad hard!!!! When getting to the location i met a guy who was sat against the outside of the building. I spoke to him very briefly but didn't want to stay long because i have heard many things that have happened at this site. I still went inside to see if there was anything interesting to photograph. I actually went inside with two teenagers who i have never met 
before (I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND DOING THIS AS IT IS VERY DANGEROUS AND COULD LEAD INTO A TRAP) I was lucky not to get attacked and have my camera pinched!! Upon uploading the photographs i soon discovered that this was a great photo opportunity and wish that i could go back and take more photographs. I wouldn't, personally feel safe attending the same location again as i might not be so lucky and get into trouble.
One tip of advice for people who are interested in doing photographs like this "Be extremely careful and don't do what I did and go inside with random people"

Thursday, 24 April 2008


Continuation from Previous post of Exhibition Building:

Exhibition Building, Stanton Iron Works

I have just come back from a visit to the Exhibition Centre, which used to be used as a cinema along time ago. I was inspired to go to this location by a photographer 

who's name is Andy Wallis.
The area was really interesting as there was a lot of broken windows, shattered walls and rusty metalwork!! The Exhibition Building was part of the former Stanton Iron Works which is now closed and all the workers moved on. I managed to get inside the building as I met the owner who let me inside and talked me through the site and which room was which. This was a very rare opportunity and very lucky as if I had turned up 1 minute earlier or 1 minute later he wouldn't have been there and I wouldn't have had the chance to see inside the building!

Dereliction At It's Highest

I am a student studying a Foundation Art and Design Course in Photography and for my final Project i have chosen to look at the theme Dereliction and Social/Political Issues that surround us in our present world. Here are some of the photographs that i have produced for part of my project that i feel show the theme Dereliction very well. I have had to put copyright over the photographs because there are people out there who use images/videos without permission. If you are interested in purchasing prints please contact me and i will be able to chat and discuss prices etc. The prints you receive will be without the copyright information.